
Eternium cheat codes
Eternium cheat codes

eternium cheat codes

LoopClickandwait(502, 111, 1, 20) Enter gate LoopClickandwait(340, 156, 1, 1300) Move towards stash

eternium cheat codes

Here is the first library (just a normal, separate script that has to be called Eterniumlibrary ) The map you choose to start has to be the last one played and the caracter has to be in the default position just above the starting portal. It uses an F5 to start arenas and F6 to start Severed Mountain. It can do arena type maps or severed mountain. It uses two libraries, found bellow and some pictures stored in a folder called ScriptImages (located in the same folder as the script). All the image recognition functions can be replaced with simple screen clicks and sleep timers. The script itself is modular and some basic image recognition has been used to speed up the script. this hotkey is to completely exit the script this hotkey is to reset the tool-tip and clear it from screen SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Ensures a consistent starting directory. SendMode Input Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. #Warn Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. Code: Select all #NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

Eternium cheat codes